Name: Eddard Stark
Alias: Ned
Title / Role: Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, and Warden of the North
Allegiance: House Stark
Culture: Westeros
Spouse: Catlyn Tully
Children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and bastard son Jon Snow
Place of Birth: Winterfell
Date of Birth: 263 AL
Place of Death: King's Landing
Date of Death: 298 AL
From the age of eight, Ned was fostered by Jon Arryn at the Eyrie, alongside Robert Baratheon. Ned befriended Robert, and came to consider Lord Arryn a second father. After Ned's father and brother died by command of Aerys II, the king demanded that Arryn send him the heads of the two wards. Arryn refused and instead launched a rebellion, in which Ned and Robert joined as lords of their houses and chief commanders. Shortly before the final battles of the rebellion, Ned married Catelyn Tully, who had been betrothed to Ned's brother Brandon before his death. Ned was present, along with Howland Reed, at a tower on the Dornish border known as the Tower of Joy where his sister Lyanna died, an incident surrounded in mystery that haunted Ned ever after.
Once the conflict had ended and Robert had taken the throne, Ned returned home, bringing with him a bastard son, Jon, about whose origins he refused to speak, even to his own wife; he quickly silenced rumors that the boy's mother was the Dornish noblewoman Ashara Dayne. He spent the next fifteen years as Lord of Winterfell, a task he had never expected and did not always feel equal to; he rarely left his lands, and did not involve himself in the complex intrigues of the southern courts.
Source: AWOIAF
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