Character: Robb Stark

Name: Robb Stark
Alias: Young Wolf
Title / Role: King of the North
Allegiance: House Stark
Culture: the North
Place of Birth: Riverrun
Date of Birth: 283 AL
Place of Death: The Twins
Date of Death: 299 AL

Played by: Richard Madden

Robb Stark was the eldest son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully and the heir to Winterfell and the North. Upon his father's imprisonment for treason he raised his banners and marched south with a host to aid his allies in the Riverlands and to free his father. After his father's execution he was named King in the North by his followers. Called "The Young Wolf" by many of his followers and foes alike, he shared his father's devotion to honor and was frequently accompanied by his direwolf, Grey Wind, whom he always took with him into battle. In the TV series he is played by Richard Madden. Source: AWOIAF

Robb is Eddard Stark's eldest legitimate child, and the heir to Winterfell. He is the only major Stark that is not a POV character. He bears great responsibility with scant complaint, and shares his father's devotion to honor and justice. His appearance favors his Tully side, with a stocky build, blue eyes, and thick auburn hair. His companion direwolf is named Grey Wind.
When Eddard became the King's Hand, Robb remained at Winterfell to rule in his father's stead. Upon Eddard's execution, Robb was declared King in the North by his father's bannermen, who rallied to his cause. Robb won many great battles against the Lannister armies, which led him to be known as the "Young Wolf", but he believed that he botched the non-martial aspects of the war.

His downfall was triggered by failure to fulfill one of his mother's pacts that cemented his shaky alliances. As part of an agreement with House Frey, she pledged to Lord Walder Frey that Robb would marry a Frey woman. Instead, Robb married Jeyne Westerling, daughter of a minor House serving House Lannister. Full of conflicting emotions over deflowering her after she tended his battle wound, Robb quietly wed Jeyne, naming her his queen. The controversial marriage incited the rage of House Frey; Robb offered an apology to Lord Frey for breaking his pledge, and believed the matter resolved.

Lord Frey's apparent forgiveness was proved false when Robb attended his uncle's wedding to a Frey: Robb, his wolf Grey Wind, his mother, and many of his men were murdered by Frey soldiers. Roose Bolton personally slew the young king, and his body was defiled. Because of the bloodshed, this event became known as the Red Wedding. The incident outraged Robb Stark's surviving loyal bannermen, and sullied the honor of House Frey, which had violated one of the oldest traditions of the Seven Kingdoms: that of the safety of guests who have been given food and shelter.

Shortly before Robb was murdered, he may have designated an heir, believing his brothers and his sister Arya to be dead. Robb and his mother agreed that his sister Sansa, as the sole remaining lawful child of Eddard Stark, should be specifically disinherited to forestall her prospective children by Tyrion Lannister from having claim to Winterfell. He had suggested Jon Snow as the most plausible heir to Winterfell, as a son of Eddard Stark, though whether or not this was made official is never explicitly revealed to the reader. While many of the lords that knew the identity of Robb's chosen heir were slain at the Red Wedding, others still live that know who it is.

Although young, Robb was a brilliant tactician and strategist. He demonstrated this brilliance on several occasions, such as when he outmaneuvered Lord Tywin Lannister and rescued Riverrun, subsequently capturing Jaime Lannister. It is also revealed that he planned to assail the impregnable Moat Cailin from three directions and his commanders were confident the plan would work; however, he never had the chance to put the plan in action. Like his father Ned, Robb was short-sighted of the political games being played throughout the war, a flaw that cost him the alliance of the Freys, the Karstarks and the Boltons and ultimately, his life. Source: Wikipedia

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